The story behind the track


Picture of Rufus, who could sense EVP voices

I first became interested in EVP, short for Electronic Voice Phenomenon back in 1993 - when my eyes in my local library happened upon a book called Whispers of Immortality by Samuel C. R. Alsop. Enthralled by Alsop’s writings I consequently purchased Konstantin Raudive’s book 

Breakthrough. Both pieces of literature were fascinating reads about these authors’ own experiments and experiences into the Electronic Voice Phenomenon.


Dr. Konstantin Raudive was a pioneer in the science of catching sounds from ghostly voices onto reel-to-reel tapes and radio receiving devices. In the late 1960s, Raudive begun commencing experiments using tape-machines and radios tuned to ‘white noise’ - the indistinctive frequency between two transmitting stations. All this was done in an attempt to contact the spirits of those who’d passed on to the Other Side. The results Raudive attained were complex but outstanding in their audio quality and many scientists, people of the press, and a number of religious individuals were unable to explain the rationality of these strange tones that had been heard by their own ears. Some of the voices claimed to be relatives who had passed on and wished to express messages with the people observing the experiments.

Konstantin Raudive died in the mid-nineteen-seventies, but more experimenters have taken up his work-mantel and are performing their own various research into the genre of EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon.


A picture of Raudive demonstrating several of his EVP messages he received to the Right Reverend Stephen O Connor, Vicar General and principal Chaplain to the Royal British Navy. 
Incidentally, the Catholic Church has never expressed an official opinion on the nature of EVP, but researchers found a sympathetic ear in the Vatican.

gallery/raudive 2

Raudive used many methods to record his spirit voices. The Goniometer was the most complex instrument he used. 
Theodor Rudolph, of Telefunken fame, a specialist in high-frequency electronic-engineering designed it for him.

            TV Heaven ITC                
In Pursuit of Images

Are the pictures that are being seen on televisions and computer screens now a modern day mirror of the Spirit Photographs taken over a hundred years ago.

This was a new science that evolved in the mid 1980s, when the spirits which had been captured decades earlier on reel-to-reel-tapes by Konstantin Raudive, were initiating a new skill, by showing themselves in portrait from the Other Side. Jules and Maggy Harshfisbach were first contacted by spirits through EVP advising them to disconnect their Television aerial and switch to the analogue, white-noise mush: an occurrence where there are no broadcasting television signals. 


Then they set up a video camera, pointed it at their television screen and began recording. When they re-played the recording back at a reduced speed they observed a few pictures, and one was of a deceased relative. As time progressed they developed a two-way communication with the spirit world by using television sets, computers and fax machines. 

Apparently Raudive and Albert Einstein have manifested, British explorer Sir Richard Burton, and Thomas Edison.


Pictures of Anne Guigne captured on computer and television monitors


The three pictures above are courtesy of The images were captured by researchers in Luxembourg, who’d received them on their computers, and also by using a video camera pointed at a television screen.

The spirit girl was later identified as a one, Anne Guigne, who’d died in the early 1900s, and lived in France. She had crossed over from the Astral-Timestream and wished to make contact with the experimenters, her existence ratified through the video screen mush.

The word Astral Timestream means Spirit Station, a location on the Other Side where ghost-technicians transmit their physical identities. Their spirit imagery is harnessed directly from this eerie place and into our world of electronic audio-visuals.


Some sceptics have alleged after looking at a few of these ITC spirit pictures that first impressions indicate they are nothing more than fakes and fabrications.

But one photo did catch my eye, which I looked at while reading about this topic. It was of Hanna Buschbeck, the founder of VTF. Her face was young in appearance even though she died in her seventies - it was very clear and defined. One thing stood out though, the configuration of the left hand, which had six fingers instead of five.


The above image was captured on a TV screen by the Harshfishbachs and is the picture I saw in that book. It was identified as Hanna Buschbeck. She’d been President of the ‘German Electronic Voice Phenomenon Association’ before her death aged 74.  In the picture she looks between the ages of 25 to 30, which would add up to many of the Spiritualist theories about your appearance in the world of spirit.


Apparently, a female spirit communicator named Swejen Salter is working on the Other Side, or Timestream as it is referred to, to assist the Harschfisbachs with these impressive pictures manifesting on their television and computer screens.


Klaus Schreiber, a retired German fire equipment inspector, received some amazing results using ITC technology. The image on the TV he captured is of his deceased daughter.


To their credit, none of the researchers involved in Instrumental Technical Communication, ITC for short, have sought to make any capital from it. And have shunned publicity with disdain.


My own opinion of these spirit pictures is that I believe a few could be genuine. You could say there is a comparison between the pictures being received now on electronic receiving equipment, and the many Spirit Photographs taken in the Victorian and Edwardian age like the picture beneath.


As you probably gathered the photograph was taken during a séance in the early 1900s. It shows an Edwardian lady, and beside her a boy in spirit, if the portrait is genuine or not I do not know. To me, people will always be vulnerable through grief at the loss of a loved one, which some charlatans exploit.


Now back to ITC and as I said, obviously some pictures may have been forged, but some cannot be explained with scientific fact. Anyhow, I’m not going to claim to be an expert on the subject of ITC, as my knowledge is very limited in this field. When I attempted my own experiments, I never  was able to achieve any results by pointing a recording video camera at a television screen - with no signal - and next playing the videotape back hoping to see a spirit picture. I only received sore eyes for my trouble, the consequence of looking at a screen full of electronic interference.


In addition, there is an uncertainty. Unsettling. Unexplained. I’m still not sure from what source these spirit pictures appear. They could be genuine spirit people, or they could be mischievous spirits using an individuals’ weak point - any trick to engage in conversations with the living.